Monday, September 24, 2007

Welcome to our Blog!


We are Chloe and Reid, two purebred Irish Terriers ( or Irish Terrors as our family likes to call us! )
We are fun loving, and happy little dogs! Our next post will explain who Irish Terriers are, and what we
are like!

See ya soon,



Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hello Chloe & Reid. I'm Jackson the Wire Fox Terrier. I live in the UK. I've got 2 Irish Terrier pals called Molly & Seamus! Please drop by my blog and say hello...

J x

The Thuglets said...

Hello you 2....nice to meet you we are The Thuglets 6 Airedales and we live in the UK. Look forward to chatting with you.

The Thuglets

Duke said...

Hi Chloe and Reid! We're Maggie and Mitch and we're Airedale Terriers! Nice to meet you!
We'll be back!

Love ya lots,

ycling said...

Welcome Chloe and Reid!
I am Max from Malaysia.
You're gonna love the DWB community cause I did!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey guys! I just LOVE terrorists!

Bussie Kissies

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

PS I've just written a post about you on my blog. J x

Asta said...

Hi I'm a fwiend of Jacksons..he sent me ovew to say Hello! and Welcome to ouw community!
I think you'we vewy bootiful doggies..thewe should be mowe of you!
smoochie kisses
come visit me!

Faya said...

Hello Chloe ! Hello Reid ! Welcome in the DWB's family...
Big Kisses from Switzerland, Faya

Noah the Airedale said...

Hello you two. So nice to meet you. We are 3 airedales and an airedale/irish cross (so we think).

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Lacy said...

woofies chloe and reid, nice to meets u both...saw ur bloggy on jacksons bloggy and thot i wood comes say woofs...

b safe,

Kirby said...

Welcome Chloe and Reid! It is so pawsome to have more terriers blogging. I can't wait to read more about you!! Stop by my blog if you get a chance. I'd love to chat some more with you.


Gus said...

Hello Chloe and Reid: I am Gus Dagger and I am a WFT like Jackson and so many others on DWB! Now I am saying "Jackson sent me" like I am supposed to, and also welcome to DWB. Visit us any time.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Chloe and Reid....
WELCOME!!! We're Lacie and Scruffy...Jackson sent excited to welcome you to the DWB family!! Scruffy's a wire fox, and I'm a Lakeland terrier...come and play in our blog!!!! You are adorable!!

Lakie kisses, Lacie

Stanley said...

Hey Chloe & Reid!

Jackson sent me over, and I'm glad I came! Always fun to welcome new terrors to Dogs With Blogs.

I'm Stanley, a 1 1/2 year old Aireboy who lives in his own world ~ GooberStan. Come by and see me. You're welcome anytime.

Your new goober bud,

Headgirl said...

Hi you two

Jackson told me about you, so thought I'd come over & say hallo.
I'm human, with a serious dog fixation, so will be back.

Pats & pets

PerfectTosca said...

Hi you two handsome terriers! I found you over at jackson's pad and wanted to stop by and lick your faces.

FleasGang said...

Hi ya Cleo-n-Reid!! Welcome to doggie bloggin'. Oh, and Jackson wanted us to tell you that "he sent us" ;-)

The FleasGang

Agatha and Archie said...

Hi Kids!! Jackson sent us!! We are Agatha + Archie wire fox terriers from Boston Ma!! Welcome!! Come visit us!! We will add you to our list!! Love A+A

William Tell said...

Welcome to blogging, Chloe and Reid. You look like a fun pair of pups!

William Tell

Amber-Mae said...

Hey Chloe & Reid! Nice to meet you two & welcome to the World of Dog Blogs!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hiya Chloe and Reid!

Pleased to meet you! I am Marvin, Braveheart Hound from Scotland, drop by my Scottish Bloggie and have a wee dram!

love and Scottish Licks, and welcome to the crazy Dog Blog World!

Marvin xxxxxx

Asta said...

Hi Chloe and Reid!
I'm finally back!
Hope you've been having a gwand time of it
smochie kisses

Koobuss said...

Welcome Chloe-n-Reid!

My name is Koobuss and I am a wire fox terrier. Pleased to meet you. I am a friend of Jackson's.

Good luck with you new blog!

Koobuss Kisses,

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I'm stopping by to say "ha woo!"